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British PM says ‘strategic imperative’ to support opposition

British Prime Minister David Cameron has stated that there is a ‘strategic imperative to act’ in Syria and called for wider support for the Syrian opposition, including supplying arms to Syrian rebels.

Speaking in the House of Commons Cameron said,

"A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Syria on our watch, with over 40,000 dead and millions in need of urgent assistance as a hard winter approaches."

"We continue to encourage political transition from the top and to support the opposition, which is attempting to force a transition from below"

 "This should include and will include looking at the arms embargo. We must now explore all options to support the opposition to enable greater support for the protection of civilians."

The Prime Minster’s comments come as he secured an EU deal to review an arms embargo to aid the Syrian opposition. He went on to say,

"Syria is attracting and empowering a new cohort of al-Qaeda-linked extremists... There is a growing risk on instability spreading to Syria's neighbours, and a risk of drawing regional powers into direct conflict."

"We cannot go on as we are. Assad's regime is illegitimate, the council committed to work for a future for Syria that is democratic and inclusive with full support for human rights and minorities."

"My concern is that if we, with others, aren't helping to shape and work with the opposition, it's much more difficult to get the transition we all want to see to a peaceful, democratic Syria that respects the rights of minorities."

Earlier this month the United States last week proscribed Jabhat al-Nusra, one of the largest Syrian rebel factions, as a foreign terrorist organisation.

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