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Bribes deterred German investors from Sri Lanka claims minister

A Sri Lankan government minister claimed that German investors were deterred from working in Sri Lanka, as the previous government demanded bribes and commissions.

Speaking on the announcement by German car manufacturer Volkswagen to set up a plant on the island, Sri Lanka’s Deputy Investment Promotions Minister Eran
Wickremeratne said previous demands for bribes had been a major deterrent.

“That’s why the former regime rejected German investments,” said Mr Wickremeratne.

German ambassador Jurgen Morhard had earlier met with deputy economic affairs minister Harsha de Silva, and was quoted as saying though Volkswagen "had strived since 2008 to start up a business to manufacture cars in Sri Lanka for export, it did not succeed for various reasons".

See our earlier post: Sri Lanka to get Volkswagen plant - Ranil (13 Jul 2015)

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