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Breakthrough in Philippines-MILF negotiations

The Philippine government has agreed a peace deal with the largest rebel group in the country, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF).

After lengthy negotiations between MILF and the government, the new agreement creates a larger autonomous region in the Muslim south of the majority-Catholic country.

The MILF's vice chairman for political affairs Ghazali Jaafar told AFP news agency: "We are very happy. We thank the president for this."

The president Benigno Aquino said in a speech that the framework can create an "enduring peace" in the region.

“This Framework Agreement paves the way for a final, enduring peace in Mindanao. It brings all former secessionist groups into the fold; no longer does the Moro Islamic Liberation Front aspire for a separate state,” he said.

The 40-year conflict between MILF, who previously asked for a separate state, and the Philippines, has cost over 120,000 lives.

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