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Bodu Bala Sena chief arrested in Sri Lanka

The head of Buddhist nationalist organisation Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) has been arrested in Sri Lanka, reports the Daily Mirror.

BBS chief secretary Galagodaatte Gnanasara Thera had an arrest warrant issued for participating in a protest outside the bribery commission, which is currently investigating financial crimes committed by the previous government.

The protest, organised on the day former defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa appeared before the commission, was led by the BBS. Several people, including parliamentarians, were arrested for their participation.

The head of BBS was “was out of the country during the previous weeks and returned only yesterday,” said the organisation’s chief executive officer Dilantha Vithanage.

He was reportedly arrested at the Cinnamon Garden police station, where he had arrived to deliver a statement.

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