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Alvai temple massacre by SL army remembered 32 years on

The massacre of at least 63 people at the Alvai Muththumari Amman temple by the Sri Lankan army in 1987 was remembered on Wednesday, 32 years on. 

The Sri Lankan army, based at the Palaly military camp, dropped pamphlets from the air warning Tamils of an upcoming attack and instructing them to take refuge at the temple. 

At 11pm on May 29, 1987 as hundreds of families from across Vadamarachchi huddled inside the temple, the Sri Lankan launched its attack directly at the site of refuge. 

The first shell hit a tree in front of the temple, injuring many who had gathered under it. The next fell inside the temple, killing mainly women and children who were sheltering within the building. Further shells fell around the temple, as panic striken families ran. 

Fifty bodies were identified and handed over to relatives following the massacre. 

Thirteen bodies, which were so badly destroyed in the attack that they could not be identified, were cremated by the temple administration. 

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