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Al-Senussi will not be extradited – Mauritania

The former spy chief of the Gaddafi regime in Libya will not be extradited from Mauritania, said the president of the West African nation.

President Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz said that Abdullah al-Senussi must face charges for illegal entry into Mauritania, before being extradited to Libya.

Al-Senussi is wanted by Libya, France and the International Criminal Court for crimes committed while he was the spy chief for Colonel Gaddafi.

"Senussi has problems with Mauritania's judiciary and has to face court for entering Mauritania under a false identity," President Abdel Aziz said according to AFP.

"The passport Senussi used to enter Mauritania was not falsified but it presents him as Malian and under a fake name, which is why he must undergo trial in Mauritania,"

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