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Accountability in Sri Lanka must engage international judges - Canadian PM

An accountability mechanism in Sri Lanka for mass atrocities committed during the final stages of the island’s armed conflict must have “meaningful engagement” of international judges, said Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Wednesday.

In a statement released to mark seven years since the end of the armed conflict, Mr Trudeau said, “Over the past seven years, I have met many victims of this war, and have been deeply moved by their heroic stories of trauma and loss”.

Extending his “deepest sympathy and support to Canadians of Tamil descent” the prime minister continued to state, “much work lies ahead to heal the wounds of all those who have suffered, and to achieve long-term peace and reconciliation on the island”.

“A robust accountability mechanism must enlist the confidence of the victims of this war, through the meaningful engagement of foreign and Commonwealth investigators, prosecutors, and judges,” he added.

“Canada will continue to engage the international community in investigating and addressing serious violations of international law in Sri Lanka and around the world. We stand willing to assist the government of Sri Lanka in fulfilling this commitment.”

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