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75 men, women and children arrested after attempting to flee Sri Lanka

Photograph: Daily Mirror

A group of 75 Tamil asylum seekers who attempted to flee from Sri Lanka have been stopped and arrested by Sri Lankan security forces.

The group, consisting of 60 men, 9 women and 6 children were all Tamils from Batticaloa and Valaichchenai, in the Eastern province.

They are the latest in a sustained wave of Tamil asylum seekers who have continued to attempt to flee the island since the end of the armed conflict in May 2009.

A report by Human Rights Watch found that Tamil detainees, including failed asylum seekers, were regularly tortured and raped by Sri Lankan security officials.

See more here:

Sri Lanka's systematic rape of Tamil detainees - HRW  (26 February 2013) 

Also see our earlier posts:

Returned asylum seekers killed, jailed: advocate - Michael Vincent - Australia Broadcasting Corporation (02 June 2010)

Failed Tamil asylum seeker recounts torture on deportation (06 June 2012)

Why are asylum seekers disbelieved? - TAG (06 July 2013) 

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