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‘War secrets will go with me to the grave’ says Sri Lankan army commander

The commander of the Sri Lankan Army’s 53 Division said secrets from the war “will go with him to his grave,” as he battled off claims that he revealed military secrets in his newly published book.
Major General Kamal Gunaratne was speaking to reporters outside the Seethawakapura Urban Council when he made his comments, according to Colombo Gazette
The 53 division, which he led during the final stages of the armed conflict, is accused of committing massive violations of international humanitarian law. He personally stands accused of overseeing the execution of Balachandra, the son of LTTE leader Velluppillai Prabhakaran and newsreader Isaipriya.
The commander though recently denied all reports of human rights violations, in an interview with Daily FT earlier this month.

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