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‘Let us remember our heroes’ says NPC councillor

Northern Provincial Council member M. Shivajilingam said the Tamil people must be allowed to remember their heroes, as Sri Lankan military intelligence in Jaffna increases ahead of Maaveerar Naal tomorrow.

Mr Shivajilingam called on the government to allow the Tamil people to light lamps and remember their war dead in homes and places of worship across the North-East – a practise that was banned under the previous government.

“If the JVP are able to hold commemoration events in November, we can’t we?” asked the councillor.

His comments echo that made by TNA MP M. A. Sumanthiran in parliament last week, and come as posters appeared across the North-East ahead of the remembrance day tomorrow.

Tamils prepare for Maaveerar Naal (26 Nov 2015)

TNA calls on Sri Lanka to allow Tamils to remember war dead freely in November (23 Nov 2015)

 TNA MP says Tamils should be allowed ‘to remember their heroes’ (21 Nov 2015)

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