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‘Burden now rests with Sri Lankan government’ – HRW

Human Rights Watch said the proposed UN Human Rights Council resolution on Sri Lanka needs to be thoroughly implemented and the burden now rests with the Sri Lankan government to honour its pledges.

“This resolution makes it clear the time has come for the Sri Lankan government to act,” said John Fisher, Geneva director at Human Rights Watch. “The resolution’s endorsement of a judicial mechanism with international participation is an important recognition of the need for an international role to ensure justice for victims.”

“However, meaningful foreign participation and international monitoring will be needed to prevent local pressure and intimidation from interfering with a fair judicial process,” he added in a press release on Monday.

“If implemented, the Human Rights Council resolution on Sri Lanka could prove to be a milestone for addressing past and ongoing human rights abuses,” Mr Fisher went on to add. "The burden now rests with the government to fully honour its pledges and with UN members to see that it does so. This is not a time to cross Sri Lanka off the list of countries requiring scrutiny. For real progress, now is the time to work with the government to ensure reforms are real and lasting.”

See the full press release here.

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