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5 years since self-immolation of British Tamil in Geneva

Today 5 years ago a young British Tamil self-immolated outside the United Nations Human Rights Council in protest at the inaction of the international community, in the face of the relentless onslaught of the Sri Lankan military on Tamils in the Vanni.

26 year old Murugathasan Varnakulasingham left a letter behind, in which he said that his actions were intended to wake up the international community, which “failed to stop the genocide against Tamils in their traditional homeland”.

His funeral was attended by over 10,000 people in London and the anniversary of his death is commemorated every year by the diaspora.

“The flames over my body will be a torch to guide you through the liberation path.”
Murugathasan Varnakulasingham
02.12.1982 – 12.02.2009


Eezham Tamil immolates himself to death in front of UN office in Geneva - TamilNet (13 Feb 2009)

Tamil killed himself 'to guide others to liberation' - The Guardian (19 Feb 2009)

British Tamils pay tribute to ‘hero’ Varnakulasingham - TamilNet (08 Mar 2009)

Anniversary of Murugathasan’s death marked in Geneva (24 Feb 2010)

British Tamil youth honour Murugathasan (23 Nov 2012)

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