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International investigation necessary resolves Northern Province

The Northern Provincial Council (NPC) passed several resolutions on Monday stating that an international investigation was need to investigate the Sri Lankan state's actions against the Tamils which amounted to genocide.

Rejecting the government's apparent efforts to date, such as the 'war census', the NPC declared an international investigation was needed to uncover the war crimes and crimes against humanity carried out against the Tamil people.

The Council, which was elected with a thundering mandate of the Tamil people in the North, asserted that the Tamil people do not have faith in any domestic investigations into past massacres or ongoing human rights violations.

Highlighting the growing number of human remains being unearthed at the recently discovered mass grave in Mannar, the NPC called for an international process to investigate the mass grave.

Welcoming the historic visit by the British Premier, David Cameron, the Council placed on public record the Tamil people's appreciation of the visit. (Find signed copy here and here)



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