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Usual suspects: Tamil diaspora provoked Weliweriya protesters says SL media

Independent Television Network News (ITN News) reports:

'Information has also been received that the Tamil Diaspora which was behind the process of destabilizing the country through demonstrations in the past were involved in this process to provoke the innocent people. Security sectors disclosed that these conspirators had steered 34 protest campaigns within last month. It has also been confirmed that certain Non Governmental Organizations had even been directly involved in providing free food and drink to those who were staging the demonstrations.

Details are also surfacing of the attempts made by these conspirators to achieve their ends by creeping into the demonstrations staged by the people who really experienced the environmental issue of the Rathupaswala factory in Gampaha. These Non Governmental Organizations and political frontlines are reported to have visited house by house for many days and provoked the people of the area. There are also serious doubts that local and foreign forces against the military had been behind the attack on the members of the troops who had been deployed for the security of the villagers.

Defence sources have confirmed that they are in the process of identifying those who had been behind these attacks unleashed with petrol bombs and weapons targeting the members of the forces who had brought freedom to the country.'

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