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SL meterologist apologises for insulting Sinhala king

Sri Lanka's leading meteorologist publicly apologised for using the name of a Sinhala king for a cyclone that affected the region two weeks ago, reports FoxNews.

Succombing to outcries against using King Mahasen's name in a 'negative' light, the SH Kariyawasam apologised "if any insult was caused to King Mahasen or the country's proud history".

Writing to the National Council for the Protection of Historical Irrigation Cultural Heritage, Kariyawasam said the names were "merely proposed as Sri Lankan names and their selection did not have any basis, explanation or intention.

Earlier this month, the Sinhala Buddhist organisation, Ravana Balaya, objected to the cyclone being named ‘Mahasen’, saying it was a “foolish decision” to name a destructive force after a Singhalese king.

Ravana Balaya Secretary Ittekande Saddhathissa said his organisation would not object if the meteorology department re-named it "Cyclone Prabhakaran”.

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