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UN - ‘Significant unmet humanitarian needs in North’

Marking World Humanitarian Day, the United Nations has stated that there is still much more that needs to be done in the North, at a ceremony in Sri Lanka.

UN Humanitarian Resident Coordinator Subinay Nandy told an audience,

There remain significant unmet humanitarian needs among communities in the north.

These range from basic assistance such as clean water, shelter and food security in resettled areas to more sophisticated issues such as sustainable assistance to obtain livelihoods, rights and return to more normal life as part of durable solutions on par with international standards”.

Acknowledging that Sri Lanka received more than $1 billion in humanitarian assistance from 2006, and $89.9 million from the UN in 2011, Nandy said that contributions were now beginning to dwindle and called for more.

However, simply throwing money at the problem will not make it disappear.

See our comment from Dec 2010: '
The state is the main obstacle to developing Tamil areas'

Also see: Sri Lanka disrupts Tamil recovery (28 December 2010)

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