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UN suspends Syrian peace mission

The UN observer mission to Syria has been suspended due to increasing violence.

The head of the mission, General Robert Mood, said on Friday that the observers would stay in their current locations and cease all monitoring activities.

In a statement, announcing the UNSMIS’s (UN Stabilisation Mission in Syria) suspension of operations, Gen Mood said:

"The observers will not be conducting patrols and will stay in their locations until further notice."

"This suspension will be reviewed on a daily basis. Operations will resume when we see the situation fit for us to carry out our mandated activities," he said, adding that a "return to normal operations remains our objective".

"The lack of willingness by the parties to seek a peaceful transition, and the push towards advancing military positions is increasing the losses on both sides: innocent civilians, men, women and children are being killed every day,"

"It is also posing significant risks to our observers." he said.

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