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JHU: 'India is trying to exploit Sri Lanka's vulnerable position’

Responding to reports that the 13th Amendment was to be implemented in Sri Lanka, the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) has slammed India for attempting to ‘exploit’ Sri Lanka.

Deputy General Secretary of the JHU and Western Provincial Council Minister Udaya Gammanpila criticised the implementation of the 13th amendment, stating that no country could force Sri Lanka into implementing any laws. Commenting that even after the loss of 1,118 Indian soldiers, during the infamous IPKF intervention, it could not be enforced, the Minister said,  

“India has not been able to get the 13th Amendment implemented even after 25 years.”

During Indian Foreign Minister SM Krishna’s visit to the island last week, he stated that he was “looking forward” to the implementation of the 13th amendment, commenting,

"I think it goes without saying that Article 13 plus (should) be implemented in a very visible manner."

The Minister lashed out at Krishna’s statement, adding,

The President does not need an Indian Minister to express his stance. He can make his stance known.

Gammanpila went on to say that Sri Lanka now sought the support of India for the upcoming UN Human Rights Council sessions in March this year, commenting,

India is trying to exploit Sri Lanka’s vulnerable position.

The JVP also remarked on Krishna’s recent visit, with General Secretary Tilvin Silva adding that the government’s proposals were just "passing the ball to waste time.''

He went on to say that Sri Lanka was becoming a colony of India, remarking,

"It was a shame to allow a minister of another country to hold a news conference here."

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