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Domestic investigation will leave Sri Lanka following US instructions says Colombo MP

Criticising the Sri Lankan government's decision to establish a domestic investigation into war crimes allegations committed during the final stages of the armed conflict, the Colombo MP, Udaya Gammanpila, said such an inquiry would leave Sri Lanka following American instructions.

"A US-backed domestic investigation is more dangerous than an international investigation," Mr Gammanpila was quoted by the Island as saying, at a press conference on Tuesday at the Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) party head office.

"This domestic investigation is like a person who is new to driving a vehicle with ‘L’ board. He has to follow all instructions of his master. Similarly, Sri Lanka will follow the instructions of the US in conducting the proposed domestic investigation."

"Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe has let the cat out of the bag when he revealed the intention of his government to prosecute those who had liberated the country from terrorism in the name of a domestic war crimes investigation," he was further quoted by the paper as saying.

On Wednesday, the Nisha Biswal, the US' sssistant secretary of state, said the US would be tabling a resolution endorsing a domestic inquiry, in collaboration with the Sri Lankan government.

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