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India requests Sri Lanka to stop firing on fishermen

The Indian government this week said it had requested Sri Lanka to show restraint and not to fire on Indian fishermen who are accused of straying into Sri Lankan waters.

India's external affairs minister, V K Singh, responding to a question on Wednesday regarding the ongoing attacks by the Sri Lankan navy on Tamil Nadu fishermen, was quoted by PTI as saying:

“Keeping in mind the humanitarian and livelihood dimensions of the issue, Government has impressed on the Sri Lankan Navy to act with restraint, not to fire on our fishermen and treat our fishermen in a humane manner."

“Government was steadfastly working, in close cooperation, with the relevant stakeholders for the expeditious release of thirty seven Indian fishermen from Sri Lankan custody,” Mr Singh added.

“Of these, 126 fishermen have been confirmed as Indian and nationality confirmation of the remaining 177 fishermen is under process. Since January 2014, the number of Indian fishermen released by Pakistan is 357.”

Last month talks were held between the two government in order to try and resolve the issue. The talks came after there was outcry across India over the Sri Lankan prime minister, Ranil Wickremasinghe's defence of the Sri Lankan navy's shooting of fishermen.

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