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Australian foreign minister inaugurates consulate in Chennai

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop inaugurated the new Australian consulate in Chennai on Wednesday, as part of a four day trip to India.

Telling reporters that the Australian Government is keen to deepen its relationship with southern India, Ms Bishop also said, "I am in Chennai to make an announcement of further collaboration between the Australian government and Australian people and the India's Vision Institute.”

“In 2014, a new Vision Screening project was established and the Australian government supported this screening project which enabled children aged between 4-15 from disadvantage backgrounds across about 15 schools in Chennai and Tamil Nadu," Ms Bishop told reporters.

Ms Bishop also met with her Indian counterpart Sushma Swaraj during her visit. Ahead of her meeting Ms Bishop said she expected a deal managing the supply of uranium for India's civil nuclear program.

"India is seen as a trusted and reliable user of nuclear energy. The Australian government is very keen to get the agreement ratified by Parliament. This year the framework (for commercial negotiations) should be in place,'' said Ms Bishop. "We are not going to allow the agreement (for civil nuclear cooperation with India) to fail for lack of creative thinking."

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