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Sri Lanka to launch domestic probe in June and hold parliamentary elections

Sri Lanka will announce a domestic investigation into the end of the ethnic conflict by the end of June, said president Maithripala Sirisena in an interview with Time.

“We have informed the UN that we’ll have a strong internal mechanism to look into this and we’ve asked for advice and consultancy though the UN high Commissioner for Human Rights,” he said.

Speaking to Time Magazine, Sri Lanka’s president said that he planned to dissolve Parliament in May and hold general elections in late June or early July.

Meanwhile Sri Lanka’s president Maithripala Sirisena urged the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), which he chairs, to allow the 19th amendment to the constitution to curb powers of the presidency to be passed, reports Colombo Page.

Sri Lanka dropped some of its pledged plans to fully reduce powers of the executive presidency, after the Supreme Court ruled that a referendum would be required to fully abolish the powers.

Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister said he would withdraw sections of the bill that needed a referendum to help get it passed through parliament.

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