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China to establish consulate in Chennai

The Chinese ambassador to India, Le Yucheng said China is planning to open a consulate in Tamil Nadu’s capital Chennai soon, The New Indian Express reported.

Speaking to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister O Paneerselvam on Monday, Mr Yucheng said Beijing was keen on strengthening relations between state-leaders in India and provincial leaders in China and invited the chief minister to visit his country.

Mr Paneerselvam highlighted the key projects China was engaged with in his state, including the supply of laptops to students and utensils to families.

Mr Yucheng noted that China is also collaborating in developing a high-speed rail link between Delhi and Chennai and that a Chinese company is engaged in the construction of the Chennai Metro Rail project.

The ambassador said he had met many Chinese businessmen based in Chennai and that they all were very happy to be here, adding that they were impressed with the high level of growth and the conducive environment for investment. The credit for this should go to the state’s leadership, he said.

He also highlighted the potential for growth in tourism to Tamil Nadu.

“2015 is ‘Visit India Year’ in China and a large number of tourists are expected to visit India and Chennai would be an interesting destination with all its heritage tourism locations”, the ambassador said.

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