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Displacement and deaths as heavy rains and flooding continue in East

Sri Lanka's Disaster Management Centre has reported rising displacement in the Eastern Province amid ongoing heavy rains and flooding in Batticaloa, Amparai, Mannar and Trincomalee.

The Centre stated on Thursday that it was facing significant difficulties in sheltering those affected by the floods and providing them with temporary accommodation.

In Mannar, 8,979 people including 2,434 families have been displaced, reported the Jaffna based newspaper Uthayan. Thirty-nine temporary welfare centres have been set up.

The water level in Kattukarai lake in Mannar has risen by 12.5 feet.

Several people have been killed in the floods. A 24 year old man from Kaakkachchivaddai, named Yogaraj, has been reported missing in Batticaloa on Thursday, said BattiNews. His friend, N. Subaraj, said Yogaraj was swept away whilst the two of them were driving.

The body of another man, who was swept away by the floods was found yesterday. The man has been identified as Gnapirakasam Vinothan aged 24 from Veechchukalmunai, Batticaloa.

Road transport to Perumaveli, Eerakkulam, Periyavattavan, Ilukku and Ilaavanai has been disrupted due to flooding, causing residents to resort to a 3km boat trip in order to purchase food.

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