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Catalan president announces non-binding independence ballot

The Catalan president Artur Mas announced plans for a non-binding ballot on independence for the region, hours after calling off the proposed referendum on independence, after it was deemed illegal by a constitutional court last month.

"The vote on 9 November can be considered the preparatory vote before the definitive one," Mas told a press conference on Tuesday.

“There will be ballots and ballot boxes. We can’t apply the decree [to hold a referendum] but it will be possible to vote,” he said.

"The Catalan government has jurisdiction over consulting popular opinion," Mas said, adding, "the real adversary is the Spanish state, which has done everything to stop us voting."

The vote will take place on November 9, with the assistance of over 20,000 volunteers and the use of municipal buildings, thereby not requiring the support of the Madrid government.

Last month, the Catalan president called for an independence referendum on November 9, despite Madrid's refusal to accept the legality of any such vote.

See related article: FC Barcelona signs Catalan self-determination pact (11 Oct 2014)

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