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Kurdish fighter carries out suicide attack against IS amidst US-led airstrikes

A suicide attack against Islamic State militants, has been carried out by a female Kurdish fighter near the near the Syrian border, a monitoring group reported.

The suicide attack took place at an Islamic State position east of strategic Syrian town of Kobane, which had seen Kurdish fighters backed by US-led air strikes battling to stop an Islamic state onslaught.
The woman, named on social media as Arin Mirkan, is the first female Kurdish fighter to carry out a suicide attack against the Islamic State, reports the, UK based, Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

Seven new coalition strikes against IS positions were carried out on Saturday, the Observatory said. In a statement, the US military confirmed three air strikes in Syria on Saturday, reports the Telegraph.

An official in Kobane said that air strikes alone were not enough to stop the Islamic State assault and that co-ordination between the international coalition and Kurdish fighters was lacking.

Islamic State militants intensify assault on Kobane (05 October 2014)

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