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Catalan politicians set to pass legislation legalising independence referendum

Catalan’s regional parliament on Monday began the process of establishing new legislation that would allow for an independence referendum to be held on 9 November this year, reports the Guardian.

The Catalan leader argued that an independence referendum would exhibit an “impressive level of democracy” in Spain.

“This would mean that Spain would effectively bury the ‘old Spain’ and rediscover that it is a country made up of several nations,” said Artur Mas.

“In an instant, Spain would emerge as a country with an impressive level of democracy, tolerance and one that is capable of listening and resolving what is above all, a democratic challenge,” he added.

“The Spanish government keeps saying this is illegal. This is our solution to make it legal, “ said a member of Catalonia’s public diplomacy body, Albert Royo.

“Britain has offered a good solution – the ballot box. That’s how political conflicts should be managed in the 21st century,” he added.

Spanish lawmakers and politicians are expected to approve the new legislation on Friday.

The legal initiative comes as over 1.5 million people took part in pro-independence demonstrations in Catalan last week.

1.8 million demonstrate for Catalan independence (11 September 2014)

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