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Government to add another international name to domestic commission

An Indian human rights activist is to be included in the Sri Lankan government's disappearances commission, the NDTV reports.

Avdash Kaushal, leads an NGO names Rural litigation and Entitlement Kendra (RLEK), which focuses on the indigenous tribe of the Northern Himalayas.

Last month the government appointed three international experts to advise the commissions, just as the UN inquiry, OHCHR Investigation on Sri Lanka (OISL), into mass atrocities committed against the Tamil people was to begin.

This latest appointment comes days after the UN inquiry launched its call for witness submissions. See more here.

However, despite the appointments, President Rajapaksa has stressed that the international experts will not have any investigative power.

The Tamil National Alliance, the Tamil National People's Front, and the prominent civil society campaigner, the Bishop of Mannar have meanwhile, reiterated their criticism of the domestic inquiry as unable to provide justice to the Tamils.

The government's decision to appoint international advisors to the commission has encountered widespread condemnation amongst Sri Lankan parties, with the main opposition UNP calling it a "betrayal" of Sri Lankan soldiers.


See related articles:

Cross-party concern over 'betrayal' of Sri Lankan soldiers in Presidential Inquiry (28 July 2014)

TNA remains sceptical over government commission (27 July 2014)

CPA criticises expansion of presidential commission mandate (25 July 2014)

UNP expresses ‘serious concern’ over government u-turn on presidential commission (22 July 2014)

TNA says it has no faith in Presidential commission (19 July 2014)

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