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Large scale campaigns are being organised for 'minor incidents' – Rajapaksa

The Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa criticised recent protests, stating that "large scale operations are organised for even the most minor incidents", reports Colombo Telegraph.

“During the conflict period, the LTTE killed people irrelevant of their ethnicity. Certain groups that didn’t dare stage a single hartal campaign during the LTTE period have now started them. Large scale hartal campaigns are organised for even the most minor incidents," he said, speaking yesterday after Muslim protests against the BBS across the island, whilst not stating which protests he was referring to. 

“Extremists on both sides have carried out actions that has incited racism; it is time both sides stopped this, “ he added.

Muslims have been involved in several protests and strike-actions (hartals) to denounce a series of attacks by Sinhala rioters led by the Bodu Bala Sena organisation.

See related articles:
Muslims call off protest over Buddhist attacks at police behest (23 June 2014)

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