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TNA welcome draft UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka, urges international Commission of Inquiry

The Tamil National Alliance on Sunday welcomed the draft resolution on Sri Lanka being circulated at the UN Human Rights Council, calling on the international community to “move expeditiously towards mandating an international commission of inquiry”.

In a statement released as member states prepare to meet and discuss the resolution in Geneva, the TNA outlined ongoing rights violations occurring the North and East of the island, including “mass scale appropriation of land by the military” and “sexual violence targeting Tamil women in the North and East”.

The TNA went on to welcome the draft resolution, stating it “envisages the establishment of an international investigation led by the High Commissioner for Human Rights” adding that they look forward to “effecting revisions to the draft over the following weeks that will clarify and strengthen the scope of the forthcoming investigation.

The statement concluded,

“The TNA will continue to urge the international community to move expeditiously towards mandating an international commission of inquiry in respect of past violations committed by both sides as well as ongoing violations throughout the country.”

See the full statement here.

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