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Draft resolution is a 'disappointing start' says TAG

Commenting on the draft UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka released today, the rights group, Tamils Against Genocide (TAG), said it was "disappointing start both for Tamil victims/survivors and for INGOs who have campaigned for a International Investigation into Sri Lanka's mass atrocities of 2009 to be established at this 25th session of the Human Rights Council."

Highlighting paragraph 8, TAG said,

"It is worth noting the range of concerns raised and the relatively high profile of sexual violence, torture, disappearances - all themes that TAG has emphasised in our recent research."

Noting the draft resolution's emphasis on religious persecution, TAG said,

"It is left unsaid that many of the persecuted religious minorities are also from the Tamil speaking population. This reflects a continuing reluctance by key sponsors to openly recognise the persecution of Tamils by reason of ethnicity, for fear of being perceived to be supporting a two-state solution to Sri Lanka's conflict."

See here for full statement.

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