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Army to recruit more Tamil women from North-East

The Sri Lankan Army has said it will target 150 Tamil women from the North-East for recruitment to the Army Volunteer Force.

100 of the Tamil women will be recruited in Kilinochchi and 50 from districts in the east.

A press release by the army said that the recruitment is voluntary.

"These women enlisted into the Sri Lanka Army Volunteer Force are able to leave the service whenever they wish to as per the Volunteer Service Regulations. Some parties with vested interests have spread a rumour that the Army is recruiting women forcibly. There is no truth in such allegations. Anyone with required qualification can join willingly and no one would be forced to join as alleged by parties whose obvious objective is to disrupt re-conciliatory measures of this nature initiated by the government."

More Tamil women recruited into Sri Lankan Army (28 Aug 2013)

Woman's corpse in Maankulam identified as SL Defence Force recruit (05 June 2013)

Sri Lankan Army coerces Tamil women into joining (13 Dec 2012)

Tamil women recruited in SL army, sexually assaulted (30 Nov 2012)

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