Tamil Eelam Police Chief B. Nadesan discusses the multi-functionary expansion of his force, including the use of DNA forensics.
Singapore mourns the Jaffna Tamil who became first foreign minister.
“We are safe because the LTTE is here. But we need more. We cannot go out and fish in case the navy take us away.”
LTTE Chief Negotiator and Political Strategist Anton Balasingham explains the circumstances in which the talks were held and the issues discussed.
The head of the LTTE’s Political Wing, Mr. Suppiah Paramu Tamilchelvan, is interviewed days before crucial talks in Geneva this week.
Out of the 36,031 employees in the Police , 231 are Tamils and 246 are Muslims.
''It appears that a campaign of terror has been unleashed on TRO personnel in the NorthEast.''
‘What is crucial is to create a congenial environment so that both parties can sit together and negotiate’ - Balasingham
‘All along the Tamil-dominated [Jaffna] coastline, joining the Tigers has become a common cry’
The Navy men picked up the five year old boy by his collar ...