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Former LTTE cadres scapegoated while police killers roam free - TNA MP

The former LTTE cadres currently detained in connection with the murders of two police officers in Batticaloa are being scapegoated while the real perpetrators roam free, a Tamil National Alliance (TNA) MP has said.

Speaking in Parliament on Wednesday, Batticaloa representative G Sirinesan said those being targeted by police and security forces were innocent, while the killers were still at large.

Earlier this month, Sirinesan had said that the killings in Vavunathivu was an act to incite racism and create problems for the Tamil people.

The two former cadres arrested over two weeks ago in connection with the killings are being held under a 3 month detention order granted by the Sri Lankan defence ministry, but have yet to be produced in court, despite Prevention of Terrorism Act (PTA) regulations stipulating that suspects should be produced within 72 hours of arrest.

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