Tamil Affairs

Tamil News

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Illustration:  Aravinthan Ganeshan Familiar scenes played out across the island last week as Sri Lanka marked 77 years since the end of British rule. In the Sinhala south, lion flags were hoisted with pride and Colombo’s streets saw yet another military parade. But in the Tamil North-East, a starkly different picture was evident once more. Black flags were raised, protests were held…

Sri Lanka consults Pakistani lawyer on OHCHR inquiry

The Sri Lankan government has consulted a Pakistani lawyer regarding the upcoming international inquiry by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), the Sunday Times and IBNLive reported.

The lawyer, Chaudhry Aitzaz Ahsan, visited Sri Lanka last week for the consultations, after President Mahinda Rajapaksa appealed to Pakistan's prime minister, Nawaz Shariff, the media sites reported.

Tamils in Vavuniya mark May 18 amidst military ban

Lamps positioned to read "May 18" (in Tamil)

A remembrance event was held in Vavuniya yesterday, despite the overwhelming military presence and ban on any public acts of commemoration.

Mourners gathered and lit oil lamps in the memories of the tens of thousands that died as the armed conflict ended. The event took place in front of the Sinthaamani Vinayagar temple.

Mullivaikal massacre remembered in Jaffna despite military presence

Photographs Uthayan

A Mullivaikal remembrance event took place yesterday in Gurunagar, in Jaffna, despite attempts to disrupt events and the heavy presence of armed troops, the Uthayan reported.

The event, held at 5.30pm, was also attended by S. Sritharan MP from the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) and the Tamil National People's Front (TNPF) General Secretary S. Kajendran, as well as members of the Northern Provincial Council including, M.K. Shivajilingham, C.V.K. Sivagnanam and Kajatheepan, Sukirthan and Paransothi.

Hundreds remember Mullivaikal massacre in events across Tamil Nadu

Hundreds light candles on Marina Beach in Chennai

In events across Tamil Nadu hundreds marked the 5 year anniversary of the end of the armed conflict on the island of Sri Lanka, when tens of thousands of Tamils were killed.

Hundreds gathered on Chennai’s Marina Beach, alongside Tamil politician Vaiko, with floral tributes and candles. Marking the death of the Balachandran, the young son the LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, the Students Movement Children lit candles at a separate event.

An event was held at an orphanage in Tambaram held a candle-light vigil as tribute for the victims of the massacre. Chidambaram’s Youth and Student association also held a vigil outside a Chidambaram college with dozens of students participating.

Genuine reckoning with the past' needed says Ed Miliband commemorating Mullivaikkal dead

The leader of the Labour Party Ed Miliband has expressed his deep regret at the failure to realise justice and accountability 5 years after the end of the armed conflict in Sri Lanka.

In a statement, released for the Mullivaikal Remembrance Day, observed by Tamils the world over, Mr Miliband offered his thoughts and wishes to those commemorating the anniversary of Mullivaikal.

The leader of the British opposition said that a “genuine reckoning with the past can help lay the foundations of a sustainable peace”, adding that this process is imperative to secure a negotiated political settlement.

Remembrance event held in Mullivaikal amidst military harassment

An event organised to commemorate the victims of the armed conflict in 2009 was held in Mullivaikal on Saturday, with heavy military presence.

Over 20 military personnel were watching the event, organised by Northern Province Councillor Ravikaran, filming and photographing those participating.

The councillor marked the occasion by handing out educational equipment to local children who had lost one or both parents during the conflict. Speaking to the Tamil Guardian, Councillor Ravikaran said that the army was trying to intimidate the participants, while the event was ongoing.

Canada’s Ontario PC party leader calls for accountability in Tamil Memorial Week message

The leader of the Ontario PC party Tim Hudak has called for accountability from the Sri Lankan government, in his message to the Canadian-Tamil community to mark Tamil Memorial Week.

Hudak said that the annual memorial week is “vital to ensuring we never forget the innocent civilians killed during that war” and that it goves opportunity to “demand justice for those who died, for the families still living in that country, and for those who fled abroad”.

Troops besiege Uthayan office in Jaffna

Updated 09:47 BST (adds photograph)

Photograph Uthayan

Sri Lankan army troops have surrounded the Uthayan office in Jaffna with staff trapped inside.

"Round up at @UthayanPrint situation critical," the newspaper's official twitter handle, tweeted shortly after 1.30pm

Over 50 armed soldiers surrounded the building, and some soldiers are currently trying to enter the offices, a source told Tamil Guardian from inside the building.

TNPF office blocked off by army

09:43 BST
Photograph @Uthayarasashali

Sri Lankan army soldiers surrounded the offices of the Tamil National People's Front (TNPF) ahead of the party's planned remembrance event for those that died at the end of the armed conflict.

Nallur temple surrounded by troops

10:27 GMT
Photograph @mayurappriyan

Heavily armed troops have surrounded Nallur temple, in Jaffna, since this morning.

Over 100 soldiers, wearing helmets, are stationed in the temple area, with over 50 soldiers by the entrance.

Military vehicles are parked along the roads leading up to the temple entrance. The tolling of temple bells has been prohibited.