Thousands of Tamil Canadians remember Mullivaikkal genocide

Events were held in Toronto and Ottawa this week, as thousands of Tamils gathered to mark a decade since the genocide at Mullivaikkal.

At Albert Campbell Square in Toronto, Tamils were joined by parliamentarians and community leaders as they laid flowers before a Tamil genocide memorial.



“Notwithstanding the efforts and good offices from Canada and other countries, the Sri Lankan government continues to remain belligerent without implementing any of the undertakings it has agreed in the UN systems,” said thee National Council of Canadian Tamils, Tamil Youth Organization, and Canadian Tamil Youth Alliance in a joint statement. “Therefore, we urge Canada and the International Community to take a more proactive role and to recognize that crimes committed against Tamils constitute of Genocide and to commit to work on a long-standing political solution based on the Tamil-Nationhood and the right to Self-Determination.”

At the Canadian parliament in Ottawa, another event was held earlier in the week, hosted by the Canadian Tamil Congress.

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