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Tamils in Ottawa remember 2009 genocide amid Sinhala protests

Tamils across Canada gathered at Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Saturday to remember the genocide which took place in 2009 by Sri Lankan state forces. 

A Member of Parliament, Anita Vandenbeld, recounted the horrific genocide of the Tamils and said that the Canadian government will work with the UN to pressure the Sri Lanka to create a permanent peace. 

Tamil Canadian students spoke on the importance of passing on knowledge about the oppression and ethnic cleansing of the Tamils to the next generation. 

Dr Varatharajah, a doctor who worked in Sri Lanka’s 'No Fire Zones' in Mullivaikkal, spoke at the demonstration in which he explained the details of Sri Lanka’s killing fields. 

Father Jude Nixon from Montreal said a prayer for the victims of the Tamil genocide and the victims of the recent attacks on Easter.

Whilst Tamils mourned those lost however, Sinhala diaspora including a Buddhist monk protested outside with Sri Lankan flags and placards denying the massacre that took place. 

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