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Zimbabwe searching for Rwandan genocide suspect

Zimbabwean police officials have began searching for a wanted Rwandan genocide fugitive, after having previously denied his presence in the country.

The fugitive, Protais Mpiranya, was a Major in the ex-Rwandan armed forces and was commander of the Presidential Guard accused of murdering top politicians during the genocide including the country’s then prime minister and 10 Belgian peacekeepers.

Chief superintendent Peter Magwenzi told AFP,

"We are trying to locate him… We want him dead or alive. We are looking for information to arrest him, we don't know how long he has been in the country."

Previously Zimbabwean officials denied Mpiranya’s presence in the country, with the Mechanism for International Criminal Tribunals stating that senior Zimbabwean officials were protecting the suspect.

A bounty of $5 million has also been placed on Mpiranya’s head by the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

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