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World Bank official to visit Jaffna

World Bank South Asia Region Vice President Annette Dixon arrived on an official visit on Monday, where she will travel to Jaffna to meet officials and examine projects supported by the global organisation.

“I look forward to my first visit to the Northern Province of Sri Lanka and meeting with key officials as well as civil society representatives to receive a firsthand account of the development progress and how the Bank’s support can have maximum impact,” said Ms Dixon. “Sri Lanka’s journey towards higher growth and prosperity will require progress across all provinces,” she added.

During her trip she will meet with the Chief Minister of the Northern Province as well as several other officials.

“During these meetings, I hope to continue discussions that I have previously had with government to further our collaboration,” she said. “As Sri Lanka’s largest development partner for over 60 years, the World Bank looks forward to building upon this established collaboration and to continue supporting Sri Lanka’s ambitious development agenda.”

See more from the World Bank and some of the projects that Ms Dixon will visit here.



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