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TNA to meet with ANC over Tamil political solution

The Tamil National Alliance (TNA) is set to meet with South Africa’s ruling African National Congress (ANC) to discuss the problems they face in Sri Lanka, as they attended the ANC’s centenary celebrations.

Speaking to the BBC, the TNA’s Sumanthiran said,  

"We are trying for a political solution that recognises Tamils as a nation and South Africa's help will be vital for both the TNA and the government in achieving that."

The TNA has sent a four member delegation to South Africa to attend the celebrations, joining other African and world leaders as well as Archbishop Desmond Tutu and African-American civil rights activist Jesse Jackson.

The event has been boycotted by the Sri Lankan government after the ANC extended their invitation to the Global Tamil Forum, who has sent a seven member delegation along with the organisation’s president Rev S J Emmanuel.

See our earlier post: ANC invites TNA & GTF to centenury celebrations, Sri Lanka boycotts (08 Jan 2012)

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