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Tamils in North-East demand federal constitution says government consultation official

Ninety five percent of Tamils in the North-East have asked for a federal constitution in Sri Lanka, said a member of the government’s Public Representations Committee (PRC).

The PRC chairman Lal Wijenayake, initially said that most Tamils did not want a federal solution. Refuting the claims made by the chairman, S Thavarasa, a member of the PRC committee, said he could produce documentary proof to show Tamils in the North-East demanded federalism.

“I have copies of all the submissions,” he told press on Saturday.

S Tharavasa, who is a member of the government aligned Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP), sits on the Public Representations Committee, which was set up by the government to seek input into Sri Lanka’s constitution process.

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