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Tamil demand for decentralisation of powers is being ignored says Wigneswaran

The chief minister of the northern province told delegates of the World Bank during their visit to Jaffna on Friday that the Sri Lankan government was ignoring Tamil demands for decentralisation of powers.

Discussions took place regarding the Jaffna City Development Scheme as well as other World Bank projects.

"Many projects do not kick-start because of the lack of mutual understanding between central and the provincial governments," Mr Wigneswaran told the delegates, adding that the provincial government was being sidelined.

"The Tamil people want to make their living by power sharing. We can not work as servants to the central government," he said.

“The demand for decentralization of powers by Tamil is being ignored by the Sri Lankan government. The government treats our people has its servants."

Responding to his comments the World Bank officials reportedly reiterated the decentralisation of powers was essential for the effective functioning of local administrative bodies.

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