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Sweden's PM pledges to find solution to Western Sahara conflict including Saharawi self-determination

Sweden’s prime minister Stefan Lofven reiterated his government’s commitment to finding a solution to the Western Sahara conflict that included support to the Saharawi people’s right to self-determination.

Speaking at the 38th congress of the Swedish Democratic Party Youth League, Mr Lofven said that the Swedish government was undertaking an in-depth study to identify ways to find an accelerated solution to the Western Sahara conflict that incorporates the Saharawi right to self-determination.

AU calls on UN to set date for Saharawi self-determination referendum (19 Jun 2015)

Ban Ki Moon urges political solution which ensures Saharawi self-determination (13 Apr 2015)

Algeria and China reiterate support for Saharawi right to self-determination (14 Jan 2015)

UK Labour Party reiterates support for Saharawi self determination (01 Oct 2014)

UN committee reaffirms Saharawi peoples' "inalienable right" to self-determination (11 Oct 2011)

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