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Sushma chairs meeting on fishermen arrests

India's external affairs minister Sushma Swaraj on Friday chaired a meeting with Tamil Nadu and Kerala regional authorities and fishing groups, aimed at finding a permanent solution to the ongoing arrests of Indian fishermen by the Sri Lankan navy.

“External Affairs Minister chaired a meeting of internal stakeholders earlier today afternoon to discuss the way forward towards a permanent solution to the fishermen issue between India and Sri Lanka,” the minister of external affairs spokesperson Vikas Swarup was reported by the The Indian Express as saying. 

"The discussions between stakeholders on the Indian side focused on different aspects requiring attention, including the livelihood concerns of Indian fishermen and introduction of sustainable fishing practices,” he added.

“It was agreed that Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare/ Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries would take action on specific measures suggested to meet livelihood concerns of Indian fishermen."

“There was agreement amongst all stakeholders that practical and pragmatic solutions needed to be pursued so that fishermen on both sides can pursue their livelihood in a safe, secure and sustainable manner."

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