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Sumanthiran ‘confident’ of changing anti-terror law

Tamil National Alliance parliamentarian M A Sumanthiran said that he was “confident of success” in changing a proposed draft counter terror law, which has been approved by Sri Lanka’s cabinet.
Speaking to The New Indian Express, Mr Sumanthiran said he would ensure the bill is discussed at Parliamentary Oversight Committees for Justice and National Security at the end of October, where he would work to ensure the law is changed.
“I am a member of both and am confident of success,” said the MP.
His comments come just hours after a draft of the legislation was being circulated.
“There are innumerable cases in which the Supreme Court has castigated the prosecution for extracting confessions through torture and have asked the police not to repeat it. But this is routinely flouted,” Mr Sumanthiran added.
The MP had previously criticised the proposed legislation, stating that it may even be worse than the existing draconian Prevention of Terrorism Act.

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