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Sri Lankan government is contradicting itself over federalism says PHU

The secretary of the Pivithuru Hela Urumaya (PHU) said the Sri Lankan government is confusing its electorate by giving contradictory statements on federalism and the prominence of Buddhism on the island.
Udaya Gammanpila, a Sinhala nationalist MP, said whilst Sri Lanka’s president and prime minister have pledged to ensure Buddhism still holds prominence across the island as in the current constitution, former President Chandrika Kumaratunga has contradicted them.
“She recently said she wanted to create a federal yet a semi-secular State in Sri Lanka,” said Mr Gammanpila. “This contradicts what the President or the Premier had stated. We don’t know whom to trust anymore.”
Ms Kumaratunga pointed towards India as an example for Sri Lanka to follow and called for a federal and 'semi-secular' constitution last week.

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