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Sri Lankan army showcases weaponry in Trinco

The Sri Lankan military declared open a new exhibition showcasing heavy weaponry deployed by the military in the final phase of the armed conflict in the Tamil North-East, more than 7 years after the massacres of tens of thousands of Tamils.

The 'Orr's Hill Army Museum' was declared open in Trincomalee this week, with Sri Lankan army commander Army Lieutenant General Crishanthe De Silva attending the opening ceremony.

Amongst the exhibitions on display are infantry weapons, armoured vehicles and artillery guns. Tens of thousands of Tamils were killed by Sri Lankan military shelling in the final months of the armed conflict, were hospitals and government declared ‘No Fire Zones’ were repeatedly shelled.

"The exhibits on display at the location were mostly the weapons that were used against terrorists during the peak of the humanitarian operations before May 2009," said the army's official website.

The museum “provides a glimpse of colonial and recent military history,” added Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Defence.

See more at their official website here.


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