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Sorbonne University holds first ever conference on Tamil rights

Photographs courtesty of Milucsan Maheswaran (@milu_photographie)

An event was held at the historic Sorbonne University in Paris last week, under the theme “The Rights of the Tamil People in Sri Lanka”.

The event saw a range of speakers including Tamil National People’s Front (TNPF) MP Selvarajah Kajendren, who addressed the political and legal situation of the Tamil people both domestically and internationally while Sharuka Thevakumar, a doctoral candidate in law, spoke about transitional justice for the Tamil people. 

Em Inam organised the event in collaboration with the UN Human Rights Student Association, Maison du Tamil Eelam and the International Diplomatic Council of Tamil Eelam. 

They also hosted Sharuka Thevakumar, a doctoral candidate in law, who spoke on "Transitional Justice in the Context of the Tamil Issue in Sri Lanka."

This event marked a historic milestone as it was the first time the Tamil cause was addressed at Sorbonne University, one of Europe’s oldest and most prestigious universities.

Over 250 people attended the event, with tributes also paid to Annai Poopathy for her 1988 hunger strike. 



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