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Rohingya's mosques bulldozed by Burmese authorities

Burmese authorities have embarked on a 'secret programme of ethnic cleansing', by bulldozing the Rohingya Muslims mosques and communities, reports The Times.

With tens of thousands of Rohingya muslims having fled from home fearing further persecution by Buddhist Rakhinis, authorities are demolishing muslim homes, shops and mosques, many of which have considerable historic significance.

Following a visit to Sittwe, The Times reports that five mosques in the region had been bulldozed a fortnight after the violence started, included one that dates from the 19th century, Musa Dewan Mosque.

Speaking to The Times, a Rohingya muslim who know works for Médecins Sans Frontières, Kyaw Hla Aung, said, “This is a case of genocide, going on now. Their plan is to move all the Rohingya out.”

Meanwhile, Hla Thein, the attorney-general of the Rakhine State government told The Times, “as far as I know, there was no demolition of mosques. Foreigners twist the truth.”

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