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Report finds sexual abuse and rape in Australian detention centre in Nauru

An Australian asylum camp at Nauru has been plagued by reports of rape, "indecent assault, sexual harassment and physical assault", according to a report by former integrity commissioner Philip Moss.

Guards traded drugs for sexual favours and a minor was amongst those who were raped, said the report, which made 19 recommendations. The Australian government said it has accepted all the recommendations.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said the findings were "very disturbing", adding, "these are very important, very important claims, very disturbing findings - and that's why we have fully accepted the recommendations of the report."

The heavily redacted report also rebuffed Australian government claims that Save the Children charity workers had lied about abuse claims at the centre. “The Moss Inquiry shows beyond a doubt that there was and is no basis to these claims," said Save the Children chief executive Paul Ronalds. "There was never any need for fabrication or exaggeration by Save the Children staff – the evidence is clear."

The opposition Labor’s immigration spokesman Richard Marles said the report was an “appalling low” for the current government. “The Moss review finds that the testimony of asylum seekers is convincing and it concludes that the degree of sexual assault within these detention facilities is being under-reported,” said Mr Marles.

“This is a government which has lost its moral compass,” he added.

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